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Help keep Posters Up North running

I originally started Posters Up North as a way to keep myself entertained on my walk to work. 4 and a half years and 1,400+ posters later, I've since tried to grow it into something a bit more, with even more grand plans in my back pocket for the future. The aim, for me, is to try and promote creatives around the North by reposting their work to Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and going a little more in-depth on the website where possible. I do this around my full-time job (and other big life-things currently going on) when I can but it's not the time that is the issue. The monetary costs of setting up and maintaining this project are, like everything else, adding up.

For complete transparency, I want to just quickly explain how much it costs to run this Instagram page and website. It's just run and paid for by me with no external funding or income generated (I never ask for payment when promoting work via social media or the website).

How much it costs to run Posters Up North

For social media scheduling, I use a service called Later, which from my experience, provides richer Instagram integration than competitors (this isn't an ad, just my experience). The basic package there costs $15 (~£13.36) per month or £160.32 per year.

The website is hosted on Wix where the price of the 'Unlimited' plan is going up to £158.40 a year. The domain name is paid up for 2 years at £11.90 for the first 2 years and £15.90 thereafter.

That puts the current total running cost for the year around £324.67 (£27.06 p/m). Sure, it's not the biggest maintenance cost ever but it's becoming an expensive hobby for both time and money. Because of this, I'd like to ask for your help, if you are in a position to of course (cost of living crisis n all, it's hard for everyone, I get that).


If you are financially able to help out, you can donate to the Buy Me A Coffee page where all the money raised here (after they take 5%) will go towards balancing the books, maintaining the project and the hope of expanding to do more in the future (Possible online store, exhibitions etc). If for any reason, there was a surprise surplus of funds, it would go to local charities.

Posters Up North will always promote art and design projects on social media and website without charging for the privilege but as a special thank you for donating I've come up with some optional rewards:

1. £5+ Social Media Shout-out
  • A shoutout across all social media channels with your @* via Instagram Story, Tweet and LinkedIn Post.

2. £10+ Social Media Feature
  • Instagram story: An image of your work/project* with your @ and a URL of your choice

  • Tweet: Up to 4 images of your work/project* with your @ and a URL of your choice

  • LinkedIn: Up to 9 images of your work/project* with your username tag and a URL of your choice

3. £15+ Web feature
  • Website post featuring your work/project*

  • A Social Media feature (see above) that ties in with the web feature

*It is your responsibility to provide accurate information and/or suitable quality media. I reserve the right to moderate the content featured if deemed off-topic or particularly inappropriate.

Other ways to help

It's not just about money. If you, quite understandably, cannot spare any cash, you can help in other ways. I'm always looking for print design around the UK but I'm only one person. If you design or come across any posters that you think are cool and worth adding to the archive, please forward them to me. You can do this any way you'd like if it's via Instagram, Twitter or you can email me.

Thank you for showing interest in this very specific design blog. Your support means a lot.

- Ric


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