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Top posters of 2022

A year's worth of posters, almost one a day, have been added to the Posters up North archive. It’s been a turbulent year with political posters coming out as the most liked posters. But as much as we support the strikes and down with the patriarchy, we do still have time for a Negroni and some pasta so it’s not all heavy heavy. So, here are the Posters up North top 10 for 2022 (based on likes, that’s a meaningless metric as any).


Give your Fanny Five

This fanny-tastic public health campaign features illustrations from by @harrietnobleart, @kesalt and @littleboxofcolours. Don’t Beat Around The Bush, the Manchester-based campaign to boost fanny confidence and prevent gynaecology cancers, created the poster series for the national health charity Lady Garden Foundation.


Kill the Bill

Created in support of the protests mobilising around the controversial Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, the risograph print was also made available for free download online to allow for easy distribution.

Solidarity with all those who protest against the erosion of democracy and protest for our basic human rights.

Negroni Week

Oh, stunnin’ – Celebrating International Negroni week in style, Han Valentine created this wonderful retro poster that details some of the classic and new concoctions being served at The Nordie.


Support the Strikes

2022 really was the year strikes made their long-awaited comeback (sigh). Gabrielle Reith’s adorable illustrations provided the perfect juxtaposition to the industrial action sweeping unions around the country.

I just wanted to show my support for everyone who has been forced to take strike action. I stand by you all! Every single person working in these sectors is struggling to make ends meet financially.


Created for Progress Running Club by Manchester-based Mark Brown Studio, the characterful moustachioed rigatoni dashes onto teeshirts and stickers as well as the poster. T-shirts are still available to buy, if you fancy a new mantra for your new year.


Old Quote. New Letterhead

What a time September was. A new Prime Minister meeting with the Queen, the death of said Queen and then the resignation of the aforementioned Prime Minister. Bringing back a quote from when Lizz Truss was just a young conservative and logging it onto her new letterhead to commemorate a wild couple of weeks in British politics.


Cost of Living Hacks

Spotted on the streets of Manchester, this internally-created campaign from Shelter, boasts the wonderful illustrations of Federica Martini (a.k.a Scruffy Designs). Featuring totally really helpful cost-of-living tips created in response to the various comments made by politicians that suggest it’s quite easy to get out of poverty, you’re just incapable.

How many of these have you heard? Right now, the news is full of ways to survive the #CostOfLivingCrisis. Some are sensible, but many are just insulting. We need more than just hacks. It’s time responsibility went back where it belongs: with the government.

We Don’t Want To

Pretty simple premise, this one, We do not want to fucking starve, We do not want to fucking freeze. Feels like it should be handed out as each MP arrives at Parliament so they can start to understand the basics. Dundee-based printer Yallariso created this scorching design at the height of the Truss regime and pulled no punches…

12 YEARS OF TEARS UNDER TORY RULE Every time we think it can’t get worse they somehow find a way. We shouldn’t be shocked by the declarations of class warfare, the bullshit transphobia, minority scapegoating or the fascist dog whistles that the Truss government espouse as we have been inching ourselves towards over years and decades. Be it a pathetic and toothless Labour Party, a crypto-fascist Conservative Party, there is a corrosive and toxic influence that seeps from the walls of Westminster.

Enough is Enough

Solidarity with the strikers, a shambolic Tory party and a call for a General Election are the subjects for an unofficial series of typographic protest posters inspired by the Enough if Enough campaign.


Who pays the bills

The ‘Anarchist, queer & anti-fascist’ Black Lodge Press were never going to pull their punches when it came to discussing the ongoing cost-of-living crisis plus the pomp and ceremony of the royal family. This striking poster tops the charts this year and it, unfortunately, looks like the press will have another busy year ahead of them.

We live in one of the ‘wealthiest’ nations on earth and yet people are having to literally starve so that they can heat their homes. Meanwhile, royalty in their palaces live lives of untold luxury and decadence all paid for through taxation. Sounds like a bad fucking joke eh?

There we have it. Some cracking posters from throughout a year I think you’d have trouble describing as cracking.

If you’re able to, Posters up North needs your help to stay running. If you can spare a couple of quid, there’s a ‘Buy me a coffee’ page set up here. If you want to read a bit more about why I’m begging for coppers, you can read more here.

Right, I’m off to have a very strong Negroni while I plot how to topple the establishment 🍻


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